Fear no more, the Lord will take care of the Gospel - Operation Nineveh

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publié le 20/10/2020 à 13:47

Operation Nineveh (Saturate the World with the Gospel)

Mission’s Report for Tongo (Monday 21st to Friday 25th September, 2020)

By Ps. Yomsi Maurice. Tel: +237 697 551 898 / 675 177 554



We thank the Most High God who has enabled us to accomplish this mission trip to Tongo village. Initially, it seemed the mission’s trip won’t hold because the location was changed at the last minute. We were supposed to go to Ngatt, a village found 33km after Tibati in the Adamawa Region of Cameroon. The mission consisted in helping a friend and colleague of ours to plant an indigenous in that locality. Close to the date for the trip, it became clear that a number of things had not been put in place by the people concerned with the church planting.

And so, in the last week before the trip, a new locality was suggested and when we considered the urgent need to preach the gospel in Tongo village too, we accepted. To get to Tongo is a far journey but not as far as Ngatt would have been. A bus from Douala will drop passengers in Foumban. From Foumban, the next stop will be in Banyo and from Banyo, a journey of about four hours will be sufficient on the bad roads especially in the rainy season like we are right now to drop one in Tongo village.

Day 1

We arrived Foumban at 5:30am. Took car which left for Banyo at about 6:30am. We arrived Banyo about 2pm. Vehicle took time to get full and we finally left Banyo at about 3pm or 4pm. Roads were terrible and so we had to push the car in about 2 places. We entered Tongo at about 8pm and went directly to the lone Protestant Church found there where the leaders were waiting for us. We had a lesson with the church leaders and for about 2 hours, we exposed the gospel and other lessons.

We gave the people a rundown of the weekly program. At about 10pm, we went to our sleeping place.

Day 2

Teaching and prayer in the morning at 5am which goes for about 2 hours. We again expressed the need to do door to door evangelism but  we are told by the pastor on the spot and some key members of the church that the Moslems who are here in Tongo are very radical and won’t welcome any sharing of the gospel to them. We were told that they believe very much in the Koran verse which says that they should not listen to someone talking to them about another religion. This is not good news for us because we had planned to share Bible tracts. We went and greeted the Gendarmes who work at Tongo. They were really happy to receive us and wished us well in our mission. We went for visitation (a brother who left the church with his family). We visited the ‘djaoro’ (chief of the village) who received us well.

We talked with him and prayed with him. We visited a hospital staff in his home who had some challenges with the pastor and tried to handle such.

At about 5pm we set up our equipment and even though there were few challenges, everything finally worked well. The amazing thing is that the speaker and the microphone which we used and will be using for our evangelistic campaign was given by the brother whom we went and reconciled with the pastor today morning.

The ways of the Lord are above our ways. We had about 100 people who came to watch the movie.


At the end of the movie, the gospel was preached. 


About 40 to 50 surrendered their lives to Christ.

Day 3

At 5am, we were in church for another session of teaching. It was attended by about 60 to 70 people. The session went up to about 7am.

We are back home and it is raining heavily. We are waiting to begin the day’s activities. We finally went out under the rain because we had families we had to visit. We visited about three families with whom we talked and encouraged and then prayed for them.

The rains have really been serious but ministry won’t stop because of the rains. The work of the Lord must go on while it is yet day.

This evening, we are gathered for our film projection. About a hundred people are gathered and the movie goes well. The gospel is preached.

 About 50 people gave their lives to Jesus. The people are excited hearing the gospel.

Day 4

We are in church at 5am for our normal teaching. We handle assurance of salvation and the new life in Jesus and there are many questions asked for clarification. We bid them farewell and in their response, they express their joy for the sacrifice and the work that has been accomplished in this place for these number of days.

We take a general picture.

We are going to be going round the village to share the gospel and encourage many during the day and in the evening, we are going to do our film projection and leave this evening.

We visited two homes or so and encouraged the people to keep serving the Lord. One was a sister who is a Christian and the husband is a moslem.

The other person was the pastor who is serving in the church in that locality. We had time to encourage him and give him counsel and prayed with him.

One lady visited us where we were staying and we had time to talk with her also.

It is about time for our movie projection. We carry our instruments to the site of projection and we set up the equipment.

The team which served in the Tongo mission


Shocking for us, the projector is not showing any image. Why don’t we have any image? We do not know. It is almost getting dark and the people are beginning to gather but the projector is not producing any image. We are bent on working this out. After we completely disconnect the projection and re-begin the connection, the image finally comes on and is even clearer than the previous day.

Our movie is projected and the people can be heard making sounds at peak moments which proves to us that they are really following what is going on.

At a certain instance, we put a pause and then preached the gospel


And again this evening just like the other evenings, a number of people show their interest in following Christ.

That is a great thing. We urge them to commit their lives to the Saviour and they do so and we take time this evening, since it is our last evening to pray for the people. The rains are threatening but we are done with our movie and that is the end of the matter for this day.


We put our things together and at about 8pm or so, we find a bus which will carry us to Banyo. We arrive Banyo at about midnight and we find a vehicle which will be leaving for Foumban in a few moment. At about 1am, we leave Foumban and in the morning at about 6pm or so, we arrive Foumban after traveling the whole night. We boarded vehicles which took us to Douala.



This mission trip has been a very successful one and we give thanks to God. Apart from the projector whose images are not so clear, the laptop which is no longer responding the way it is supposed to, and a few other challenges, everything went so fine. The leaders of the church community in Tongo expressed their great joy and satisfaction in all that has happened in their village. In fact, when we were about to leave, some of the people wanted to follow us because they were just so overwhelmed by all that had happened among them.

We are also so satisfied that we have partnered with the Lord to preach the gospel to the people in Tongo village. In fact, the other villages around Tongo are already expressing the desire that they also want to have this team come to them. As the Lord wills it and as much as the financial means is there, it will be our greatest delight to go and share the gospel with these other villagers too.

To God bed the glory !!!

Ps. Yomsi Maurice, Operation Nineveh (Saturate the World with the Gospel)


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